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An Internet Search for Me Just Got Easier

I know today is supposed to be “‘What Into the Hell'” Wednesday, but being the day before Thanksgiving, I was having a hard time with complaining since I had so much to be thankful for. I’ll post that stuff tomorrow. In the mean time . . .

I’ve found a few old friends on MySpace who told me they’ve been looking for me for a very long time. I’ve decided to post a blog with good search information and ping it in the hopes that future searches for me are easier! Here goes:

Many knew me as Kathy Bonilla from West Sacramento (Broderick). I am now Kathleen Bonilla Lancaster.

I graduated in 1990 from Bishop Manogue High School. (They went coed with Christian Brothers in the fall of ’90.) I never went to River City High, but many of my friends did.

I’m still looking for a few friends myself. If you grew up on Julian Drive (in West Sacramento/Broderick) between 1975 and 1990, I want to hear from you!

If you frequented the El Dorado Saloon or McGee’s between 1989 and 1995 and you think you recognize me, you can send me a note. I’ll try my best to search through the haze and give remembering you a good effort. (More search help: I hardly ever went anywhere without someone named “Cathy” or “Wendy.”)

I met my husband at “In Cahoots,” which is closed now. But back in the day, all of my money pretty much got handed over to them every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. If you ever danced with me there, I’m sorry if I stepped on your toe.

If you’re a guy with long hair and you remember me hitting on you at some point between 1988 and yesterday, you’re probably right.