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Seat Belts and Car Seats

Oh . . . this is going to get me into so much trouble. I just know it.

I’ve been simmering for a while about this story–three adults and one small child killed by a drunk driver in my hometown of Sacramento CA. (Related article can be seen here: http://www.sacbee.com/391/story/145354.html)

And while it is deplorable that there was yet another fatal accident caused by a drunk driver, can someone please tell me why, a) None of the adults killed were wearing a seat belt? and, b) Why in God’s name was the child not in a car seat?

The crash may have undoubtedly killed the adults in the front seat–the drunk driver took care of that. But, what about the passengers in the back seat? And the little boy–riding on someone’s LAP instead of being secured in a safety seat–will never get to ride a swing, eat ice cream, or read a book. Dare I say his mother took care of that?

This was a horrific accident, made much worse by carelessness. Am I the only one who thinks that someone could have survived if they’d taken three seconds to put their seatbelt on? Or take a few minutes to put a little boy in his car seat?

As a parent, I am mortified that this could happen to me. But at least I know I can reduce my family’s chances of dying in an accident by using my seat belt, and teaching my son how to use his.

2 Responses

  1. Holy Cow!!! The seat belt/car seat thing irratates me too. Seeing a baby too big in an infant carrier drives me nuts too. You know, those baby’s with their feet hanging over the edge.

    I know that this is an older post, but yeah. I’m right with you on this one.

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